Online Individual Therapy and Couples Counseling in Dallas
I am a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) in Texas. With a Master of Arts in Counseling, I use my years of education and experience to help people overcome life and relationship problems. I work with couples, individuals, and families.
Common issues I am most familiar with revolve around depression, grief, divorce, affairs and relationship issues, and communication problems between couples or family members. I am an understanding and compassionate therapist who truly enjoys working with people to better their lives. Together, we can identify what is holding you back from fulfillment and happiness and develop solutions to overcome these challenges.
Online Therapy in Dallas
Online Counseling serves the Dallas, Texas area and its surrounding communities. Convenient online video appointments are available to any Texas resident. Online sessions are just as effective and make it easy to get therapy in your own home or while you are traveling. Sessions can be scheduled at regular weekly times, or I offer concierge counseling when you need it most. Video therapy can be done with individuals, couples, or the entire family.
When looking for individual therapy or couples counseling in Dallas, look no further! My main focus is to listen to you and give helpful feedback that you can apply to your life in the future.
Meaningful Video Therapy from every device
At Online Counseling, we connect with people throughout the state of Texas. Our local providers offer Dallas counseling services through our online platform. You can connect with our counselors to get the help you need. We offer sound advice and help you develop plans to overcome your personal and relational problems.
Scheduling an Appointment Is As Easy as 5 Simple Steps
Click "Book Appointment"
Select Your Service
Select Your Location
Select Your Date And Time
Input Your Information
Once you request your appointment, your therapist will be notified and confirm your request. You will get an email confirming your appointment with login credentials to your online portal. Fill out the questionnaire and electronically sign all HIPAA compliant documents before your appointment.
If you have a desktop or laptop you simply click the link in the reminder email at your appointment time. If you are using a phone or iPad Download the app in the app store to access your appointment.